This is going to be a short one. (This may be a first). But I thought I would share news that I had my first epiphany of truly being a nerdy, un-hip person. ....While attempted to be funny. I was checking out a sprained ankle of a kid at the high school the other day. And when she took off her socks -- she had a BRIGHT teal and HOT pink sock on. So to be "funny", I said "Oh jeez! Your socks aren't matching! Must be laundry day today??" (har...har...) While her eyeballs were completely rolled to the back of her socket.... she looked at me and said: "You sound like my Dad." Ouch, zing!! Abby is taken DOWN by the 15 year old girl. I am offically "that weird lady". Next thing you know....I will be carrying my life around in a fanny pack (purses are just too much hassle to carry around!). God help me.
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.