It all started last Saturday......... There is thing that lives in our garage. I call it a black hole. But really, it's a 1979 Honda motorcycle . I shouldn't be negative about it,-- it provided transportation to get ice cream on our 1st date ever. Why do I hate it? Because it doesn't run. It just sits there. And takes up space. And we have moved it 3 TIMES!!!!!! But, it's become Ryan's hobby. It's like clockwork. Every 3 months, he gets this inspiration on a Saturday morning after a few too many cups of coffee and says, "I'm going to work on rennovating the bike today". Iy-yi-yi..... So he spends the day working on it with the garage open, I clean the house and bake, bring him iced tea, and he take multiple trips to the hardware store. We're such an American married couple ... So Sunday morning rolls around. And we are leaving the house for church.... And we see little black "pellets" all over the ground..... Now we kno...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.