Resolutions? Goals? Bucket List. Because I like lists. 2017 - bring it on. This is my list, in no particular order of importance - just things I'd like to check off the list when we ring in 2018 next year... It makes me fill better if I was unable to check something off the list. In opposed to "I didn't reach my goal." or "I failed miserably at the resolutions this year" Get my recipes organized Qualify for the Boston Marathon during my 2.24.17 marathon -- (goal time is 3:25) Run a half marathon in 1:35 Run 2017 miles Don't miss mass. Become a subject matter expert in at least 2 quality areas (boring work stuff) ;) By the end of the year, be submitting application to become a coach at work (which is my companies term for a "manager") Visit NYC Touch the Statue of Liberty (do they let you do that?) Run in Central Park Eat a hot dog from a New York City hot dog stand. (I don't even like hot dogs...but it's necessar...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.