We have entered a new mode! House hunting has begun. We found a realtor that we're quite pleased with, and she's been shooting us emails all week with houses to look at. We looked at 5 homes on Monday afternoon. Ryan & I have been spending the past....year and a half spending mannny evenings searches the listings online and watching HGTV shows such as Property Virgins and House Hunters. All to decide what kind of "Style" of home we're looking for. It's tough not to get too excited, since we probably won't be making a move until I have a job (October - December). And HOLY-Bank-Owned!! -- There are more foreclosed homes on the market than not. It's really bizarre and eerie to me walking through some of these homes. It's like people find out they're losing their home, paint every wall a different color, rip up carpet, and take as much possible!! We've decided some of the big priorties with our home are the following: Great ki...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.