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Showing posts from January 9, 2011


Today I am very excited, for tonight I go to the airport to pick up my dear sister Lisa !! As she stated in her blog this morning -- growing up we weren't the best of friends. In fact, we fought a lot. I remember Mom and Dad would have to sit between us during church because we'd fight. Sometimes during the sign of peace when you shake hands, we'd give the MOST death-squeezing-hand shakes. I remember when we'd fight, my Mom would be so sad. She would say every Christmas, "All I want for Christmas is for you girls to get along !!!!" She'd also say, "Someday when you're grown up, you will be best friends" We'd roll our eyes. Then I moved away to Tucson, and we realized we missed each other. We discovered black-berry-messenger. We found out just how much we did, indeed, have in common. And in the process of re-getting-to-know-each other....we became great friends! So this weekend will be wonderful. We plan on taking a road trip up to...

A different kind of exercise

Yesterday, I decided "to hell with you, gym.". This is the time of the year in Tucson when you can actually spend time outside, and you won't fear for your health. (i.e. dying of dehydration or severe sunburn) So when I wanted to get some exercise, I drove to the gym, pulled into a parking lot FULL of Massechusetts license plantes, and said "Yep. It must be Senior Citizen exercise hour", and looked at the crowds indoors , (Oh, snowbird season, I love you....) .... And so I said, "To hell with this..." And drove 1 mile north to a park called "Riverfront Park". Now, let's not be foolish, here. There's not really a river. There are no rivers in Tucson. But there's a "wash" that as once a river in the ice ages. So they have built beautiful bridges and running trails along these washes. I turned on my heart-rate-monitor and started jogging not knowing where I was going. I haven't done this in............ ....

Ten on Tuesday!

Good afternoon, all! It has been awhile since I've participated on 10 on Tuesday...and since I'm trying to do everything possible right now to procrastinate cleaning house and going to the gym...what's a better time to write a blog!? ;) Here it goes! 1. Is there a band/artist that you HATE? I don't like the word hate. I was always taught that it's one of those "never words"...but I will say I STRRRRONGLY dislike Lady Gaga. Strongly. Her music, in my opinion, is crap. Annoying. I don't know if it's just her music that gets to me or the combination of her overly-sexual, psychotic image she portrays. Gross. I also strongly dislike Justin Beaver? Beeber? However you spell it, he drives me nuts. I remember the 1st time I heard him on the radio -- before he can a "Superstar"....I thought this kid has talent, and I had faith in him. He had a beautiful voice. Now, he's turned into a cocky like brat. Good luck with keeping that hihg-...


Many of us like to enter the New Year with changes. Resolutions. Goals. New endeavors. A brighter outlook. This 2011 started out with many changes - and they weren't even by choice. It is incredible to me to realize how drastically different my life is now that I work nights. And I am so thankful I'm such a tight scheduler -- for it may be my only method of survival. Here are a few things I've learned that can be applied to no matter what schedule I ever experience.... Cherish every moment you get. Every moment you get with your family. Every moment you get with your loved one. Prior to working nights, I was going "through the motions" BIG TIME. I took for granted the time I got to spend with Ryan. Now that we only get to sleep in the same bed, wake up together, eat normal meals, etc. a few nights a week -- I am sooo thankful on "normal nights". Exercise restores energy. 4 days/week, I get my booty into the gym or out on the running trails and I bu...