1. If you work, do you drive to work or take public transportation? I drive, and it's only a 10-15 minute drive! I love it. It used to be 50-1 hr before we moved. 2. How often do you get your haircut? Do you go to the same person every time? I haven't had a haircut in 8 months, and I don't plan on doing it any time soon. And I don't even like my current hairstyle. I"ve just given up. I used to go "Regis" -- because I have NO CLUE who/where to go in Tucson. Every time I'd get a hair cut, they'd make my look like a boy. So I quit. (Do ya think I'm a little stubborn?!?! ;) ) 3. Do you read the newspaper? If so, a hardcopy or the online version? I don't read the newspaper. In fact, the only way a news paper is somewhat appealing to me is if I have a very large table to sprawl it out on. I hate holding this giant sheet of paper. We sometimes end up wrestling. I use either google news or fox news. 4. What is the best book you have rea...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.