I have been very absent from this blog lately! Where do I even begin... Here's what I've been up to! Training : I have a race on my horizon, at last! I've decided to do the Tempe AZ Lifetime Olympic Triathlon in September. I have 4 other friends that are doing it as well, so it will be a good excuse for a "girls weekend". I'm not following a specific training plan. I still like to try lifting weights at least 2 times/week. I've found from triathlons in the past (for me), it is most important to make running a priority. In a triathlon, you're running when you're the most tired. For those of you not aware, an Olympic tri is a 0.9 mile swim, 25 mile bike, and a 6.2 mile run! I've been terrible about swimming this time around. I'm so scared of getting an ear infection, and I seem to have a hard time getting my butt in that pool! Dreaming : About our upcoming Hawaii vacation! We have been planning this for about 1 year, so I am so ...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.