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Showing posts from January 3, 2010

Christmas Recap!

This week has been crazy! Our flight returned to AZ at 2:00 AM Saturday night, Sunday morning -- however you want to look at it. It was supopsed to get in a 5:00 PM. This means that we were basically traveling from 9:00am - 2:00 am. LONG DAY! But, Hey! We got free round-trip tickets out of the deal, so I'm okay with it! :) I started up my new semester on Monday. Home Health. This is not for me. A post is to come on this soon........ I have quite the nurse as a preceptor. I don't think they could've found anyone more polar opposite. And I get to drive around with her for 8 hours 2 days/week. Good times. Anyways -- to the positive...Christmas vacation! I am going to bullet point the amazing cues of the trip, before I forgot about it all! It was such a wonderful trip, and I cherished every minute spent with family! In no particular order......Moments I loved: Leaving for ND on the day of a MAJOR snow storm. While in Salt Lake City; our flight got delayed. Being the "sligh...