I know, I know - Thanksgiving was 2 days ago. But I have to do a little reflection post of the season. I also haven't had a personal computer for several weeks. (long story). So alas, I make time for a little reflection and tribute post to those things I am thankful for. Because isn't the entire holiday season a time of thanksgiving, love, and joy? I write this post at a Starbucks in Las Vegas, as my dear husband does grad schoolhomework. For the hotel he is living at for 3 weeks has unreliable Wifi. Needless to say, he is excited to come home! ;) So greetings from Sin City! 2016 has been a whirlwind of a year. We have had many changes and different things thrown at us, and when I look back to a year ago - I feel like I, too, have changed. But if you aren't changing, you aren't growing. I am thankful for a home . The obvious shelter, air conditioning, pillow to rest my head on. But beyond that....we purchased a new home this year that will be our "foreve...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.