If you didn't know this about me, I'm a little neurotic about cleaning . I have certain ways I like things done. Not to pull the " I blame my Mother card '. But...I blame my Mother. But that's not such a bad thing, as I dearly look up to my Mom and hope to be like her some day. ( I'm guilty of the above photo... ) She had "A Way" of doing things around the house. Bath towels were to be folded in thirds, beach towels in halves. Kitchen floors were to be vacuumed, and then scrubbed in a certain manner. Dishes that made it to the dishwasher had to pass a test. I used to find this annoying. Now, I'll say it. Mom, you're right ! Bath towels should be folded in thirds, they fit better on a towel bar that way. And beach towels will fit better when folded in halves! ;) Where am I going with this? Well, as I said, I'm a tish neurotic. Sometimes I've made comments like, "Some day, if our budget allows, I'd like to get a c...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.