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Showing posts from January 31, 2010

What a Day! & Ten On Tuesday

Happpppy Tuesday! However, I am celebrating that it is 10:00 pm Tuesday evening. It was a crazy day. I guess I can't completely say it was a bad day. Just one of these days where God is testing me, my patience, my character, MY SANITY. It started early this morning, or late last night. However you want to look at it. I have recently decided to become an insomniac. I don't remember the last time I slept through a night. So last night, I was up every hour. Doing nothing of importance. Just thinking about school, life, what-not. I just kept waking up. Alarm was off at 5:15, and I prepared for my first day of clinicals. My day was spent at a business expo, and I was doing community outreach to educate people about access to healthcare/clinics. This was 8 hours of networking. Which is fun and exciting, but takes so much energy!!!! The end of theday was rewarding. I won't go into details, but an exciting opportunity was presented to me for my future career. I finally had ...