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Showing posts from January 25, 2009

25 Randoms!

So, I saw this whole "25 Random Facts" on Facebook that many are doing, and it intrigues me. I think that the BEST way to get to know someone and see their inner workings is found via "finding the peculiarities". So here it goes! 1) I think I have some version of AD/HD. Or maybe I'm just Marlys's daughter. However, I cannot sit still or focus on one thing. I have to be doing something at all times! There is ALWAYS something in the house that could use cleaning. I also can't focus on things in terms of driving. I find myself having to verbally say to myself "Abby, look at the car in front of you and drive...." It's bad! 2) I am the world's worst driver. If I was drove a 95 behind me would be cussing "That damn 90 yea r old should NOT have her license!" I don't stay in my lane, and I can't park straight. 3) I failed my written PERMIT test for driving 3 times. 4) I love really gross and graphic pictures...