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Showing posts from March 10, 2013

11 on 11!

Well I am back in Tucson with my better half! However, he's home for only less than a week - so it's a little bit more of a stressful week than we'd like. Rushing to get his uniforms and flight suits ready, getting our taxes filed, setting up a pool man (because I was an epic fail at managing the pool while he was gone).... But we are loving every second we get together, I must say! Even picking weeds yesterday was a blast. (We got a lot of rain while I was in Montgomery, which produced a lot of weeds). It's just good to be together. I am joining in on Lisa's fun with the 11 things on the 11th - so here goes. 1.  If you could live in any other city besides the one you currently live in, which one would you pick? Both Ryan and I have our eyes on Macdill AFB -- which is located outside of Tampa, FL. That AFB happens to house his dream job -- and being I can work just about anywhere, this works. I just love the ocean, and I love Florida. Maybe some day.....:-) ...