Happy Moments from the week. As with all weeks, there were happy moments and not-so-happy moments . The not-so-happy: 1. Our HOA are being, well, "HOA-y". I think your imagination can fill in the blank. Just remember when you own a home in a strict HOA, that is apparently a crime to try to increase the value of your home. Such as hiring professional painters to paint the exterior (with colors approved by the HOA book). They apparently would like your home to rot, and have paint peeling off like some of the other homes in the neighborhood. Okay. I'm ranting. 2. The tone at work was stressed . We had the big triennial inspection/audit. And no matter how much preparation you do for these things, it always just puts everyone on edge. So I greeting Friday evening with a big smile ( and a cold beer ). But despite some shortcomings this week. There were some really fantastic moments that I prefer to focus on: This week we finally are experiencing our 1st mornings whe...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.