On Sunday I did the Oro Valley Arizona Distance Class Half Marathon. I registed for it 2 weeks ago, so jumping in to this was mildly nerve-wracking. Especially since a vacation was thrown in the middle of my 2 week-prep. (Just a little FYI...it's not like I just randomly signed up completely. I was up to running 9-10 miles comfortably, and decided "Hey, a race is coming up! What's 3 more miles?! I'll sign up!" So, I'm really not completely insane.) So here's a little run-down on Abby's ritualistic build up to the race and the big event! We returned from our vacation Sunday, so Monday I headed for an easy 10 mile run. I say easy , because I did not push myself . I like my joints and knees, so took a nice moderate pace on it! Then my week was spent doing some TLC to my muscles, lots of leg massaging, icing, and good nutrition and hydration! A few easy 3-4 mile runs and I was ready to race! Friday I took a light 4 mile jog, and drank so much water...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.