Remember as a child, there was that blanket statement of "Never talk to strangers". Well, I'm not a child any more...but I still follow that rule. I actually like that rule, and wish others would follow it. Nothing irritates me more than standing in line at the grocery store, and the man in front of me saying "I see chili peppers, meat, tortillas, and avacados....SOMEONE'S MAKIN TACOS"! I want to respond saying "No. I'm not. I just bought ingredients to make tacos. But I'm going to put these together to make lutefisk and lefse. Dumbass." But my "Real-time Response" still isn't very nice. It' would usually go, "Yep. No kiddin." And then I'd roll my eyes. When I get home from the day, and my neighbor is sitting outside smoking -- I grab my cell phone and start faking a conversation to avoid having to talk to him and hear his voice. Sometimes, on the airplane, my I-pod dies. (traumatic) But I still w...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.