I have been a bit absent from my blog lately. And I keep trying to sit down to do a Hawaii Recap post, but haven't been able to get the pictures together to do that. But I promise that will be coming soon! Instead I think I'll give a generalized recap of life as it is. Mid July, Ryan decided to revisit of dream of his that has persisted since he was about 9 years old - to become an F-16 fighter pilot. On August 4 he turned 28, which is the cut-off year for applying for this position. Once you turn 30, they no longer train pilots to fly '16's. He also has been balancing a full time engineering career, with a part time flying career with the Air Force that puts him working 14-20 days in a row sometimes. That's not a really "long term" approach to living a happy and fulfilled life. He has grown a lot of gray hairs over the past year, and he's only 28! So to the drawing board we went. And decided it would be best he pursues this lifelong dream. ...
Ruminations of a runner and recipe-maker, who serves up ranty cynicisms from time to time.