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I know, I know - Thanksgiving was 2 days ago. But I have to do a little reflection post of the season.

I also haven't had a personal computer for several weeks. (long story).

So alas, I make time for a little reflection and tribute post to those things I am thankful for. Because isn't the entire holiday season a time of thanksgiving, love, and joy?

I write this post at a Starbucks in Las Vegas, as my dear husband does grad schoolhomework. For the hotel he is living at for 3 weeks has unreliable Wifi. Needless to say, he is excited to come home! ;) So greetings from Sin City!

2016 has been a whirlwind of a year. We have had many changes and different things thrown at us, and when I look back to a year ago - I feel like I, too, have changed. But if you aren't changing, you aren't growing.

  1. I am thankful for a home. The obvious shelter, air conditioning, pillow to rest my head on. But beyond that....we purchased a new home this year that will be our "forever home" (at least for 5-8 more years. ha!) 1 year ago....I thought we would be living in apartment, base lodging, hotels, and moving every 4 months for the next 3 years of our lives. So I am thankful that we have found a stable home that we LOVE.
  2. I am thankful for my friends. It is easy to become homesick having no family within 1000 miles. Ryan is also gone a lot for various trainings and work trips. I work from home, which is isolating. But my friends fill those gaps. We run together and conquer our problems at 5 am. We do dinner parties together. They are the kind of friends I could call at 2am, in an emergency - and they would be at my door within 10 minutes. When I felt weird that Thanksgiving would be spent in Vegas - one of the couples booked a trip to Vegas to join us for the weekend.
  3. I am thankful for my family. Not every family gets along. Not every family actually enjoys each other' company. That is not the case in mine. I love and savor every second I get with them. My parents, my siblings, my extended family -- I am thankful for them all. My parents gave me such a stable, loving home - and now I can call them my closest friends in the world.
  4. I am thankful for my best friend, my husband. We have made a lot of big decisions this year together - and some of those decisions have been tough. We don't have family in town anymore. We are each other's family, support system, cheerleader, etc. Not only do we love each other - but we have so much fun together! 
I hope everyone reading this had a great Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, good food, and memories! My Thanksgiving was the most interesting one I've experienced. But now we have a story to tell, right? My Thanksgiving involved: running the Las Vegas strip, art shopping, sports betting and drinking beer with friends, and a giant plate full of lots of sushi and some turkey, and photo-bombing tourist-selfies. (I just turned 12 last week, apparently)


Marlys said…
What a great post! You made my heart sing, as knowing that your children have found their soulmate in life is such a great reward! I am so happy that you two have "fun" together, and that you have great friends who are always there for you!
It make my heart sad that you don't have "family" near by anymore, but at a distance we are always cheering for you always! And you always have Miles to keep you happy when you are alone! :)
I'm glad you guys had a wonderful thanksgiving. Even though it wasn't traditional, you were with people you love which is most important! I'm so thankful for you! Love you!!

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