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The move ahead....

We returned to UND for our spring semester both knowing that we were giong to be moving to Tucson in May. However, we kept this a secret between the two of us until things would be come finalized. We spent more and more time together; in fact, we were basically inseperable. The little things that used to seem like a chore became fun. Ex: working out, going to class, studying....however, we found that doing those things together made them pleasant.

Ryan came to my lake cabin for the weekend to go ice fishing and meet most of the family. This was the weekend we would break it to my mom and dad that I was going to be moving to Tucson. We spent a fun Saturday out on the ice, and Ryan bonded with my dad and brothers--but had fear in the back his head the whole day.

I will NEVER forget watching him ask my father's permission to bring me to Tucson. My dad was stoking the fire in the fire place with a hot, iron rod in his hand; and Ryan approached him in our living room with the utmost respect and honor. My entier family knew something was happening, so ALL conversation and noise stopped so they could evesdrop. In total nerves and compassion for Ryan, I kept repeating the same statements over and over again to distract the family. Dad then left the room. Ryan was crushed.

It wasn't until the next morning, that my dad pulled Ryan aside and appologized for seeming harsh. The news just really caught them off-guard! After sleeping on it, they realized that I was more safe in happy with Ryan than I ever will be; and let him bring me to we fast-forward a few months to May 14, 2008.

We finished our finals for the year, I was battling pneumonia, and packing my life away. We packed up a 17-foot U-Haul for Tucson, put his car on a trailer, and starting to head south. I will never forget the morning leaving my parents house. There was an uneasy fear of unknown. I was finally leaving the state of ND, which was exciting--but scary since I had never left my family before!! All it took was Ryan to grab my hand, and give me the look of assurance that all would be okay; and the rest of the drive down was amazing.

Every state got a more dry, more hilly, and a hell-of-a-lot- hotter! We arrived in Tucson on a Sunday morning, and Ryan's dad and step mom were there to help us move.

Every week spent in Tucson got more exciting, and it felt more like home to both of us. We both could see our future quickly unfolding before our eyes................................... read more next time to find out about our engagement ;)


qwerkyqook said…
Hey Abby! Cool blog, I'm enjoying reading the stories!!! Keep posting! Miss you, hope to see you soon!
love suzanne
Anonymous said…
Omigosh, you know I'm an emotional sap...but this has me teary-eyed.

This is going to be amazing for your children to someday read!

Waiting for the next chapter...

Marlys said…
It is hard for me to go back to that morning as it was so hard to see you leave our fair state, but Dad & I both knew you would not change your mind, so we have kept you in our prayers everyday and will continue to do so. You seem to be thriving in Tucson and have Ryan's family close by to fill in the gaps whenever you need "family" and it was great to meet them all!

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