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Ten On Tuesday

Here's my 10 for the week! Enjoy! Or ignore, b/c you're probably sick of hearing about Abby by now ;)

Hope your week is wonderful!!

1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Architect. I floated between architect and nurse. I even had this architect program on the computer where I would design houses -- but found I was more interested in the horticultural aspect of designing houses. The houses eventually had no walls -- just flowers and plants.
2. Name 3 of your irrational fears.
-Vomit. I'm going to be a nurse too. When I have a patient get sick -- I still get reallly jumpy.
-That I am forgetting to clean something in my house. Like there is a corner somewhere that I am consistently missing. And then one day, I'm going to find it and it's going to be infested with germs. However, with how crazy I am about cleaning -- I'm hoping this doesn't happen. But I check diligently every week!!!!
-Having someone break into my house when Ryan's gone. One time Ryan surprised me and came home really early. (Now, this was when we 1st moved to our new home...) Upon hearing the door open -- within seconds I managed to grab the biggest butcher knife possible. He was like "Wow....! I guess I won't surprise you like that anymore!!!"

3. If you had a $200 gift card to any store, what would you want it to be? (Nothing responsible allowed. Can’t be used for groceries or anything)
-A new hair straightener. I've had the same one for 4 years now. It's basically broken from being dropped so many times. But I am too frugal to purchase a new one.

4. What is your most (blog-friendly) embarrassing moment?
-Since it's recent....I will explain my evening last night! WARNING - this is a gross story.
Studied and drank coffee all morning (nice and dehydrating), ate lunch, studied more, and headed out for a 6 mile run and some mild wt training. (more dehydrating) Showered and headed to my 4:30-9:30 pm class -- forgetting to pack a dinner! So I texted Ryan and said "Hey, make sure you save me a plate of food tonight"
-Then on our dinner break, I remembered I hadn't taken my vitamin yet! So downed it.
-Within 40 minutes, I was feeling the utmost nausea. To the point where I finally started packing up my bag to leave class early.
-While storming out of the room, everything went BLACK.
-Yep, I fainted in front of my entire class, and got dragged out into the hall and was completely loopy.
-After class was dismissed, a few of my great classmates stayed with me and my instructor took care of me until Ryan drove into town to the rescue. (Thank god they were all nurses!)
-While waiting for Ryan, I began projectile vomiting in the lobby of my school while my teacher held my hair.
-After eating some bland foods, and rehydrating and NEVER TAKING A VITAMIN AGAIN -- I am feeling better!!
-My teacher must think I'm a complete basketcase.

5. If you were only allowed to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
-This is tough. Because I am trying to think of something that has the most nutritional value that will make my live forever. But part of me just wants to pick something I just really enjoy.
-So I'm going to just go with my favorite all time snack EVER:
Vanilla Yogurt, mixed with fresh or frozen berries, and oats sprinkled on top and mixed together. (Sometimes I get really crazy and put raw almonds on it too!)
-If you have not tried should. It's amazing. And very nutritious. I could definitely eat that forever and ever and ever.

6. What was your favorite toy growing up?
I went through many phases - as al children do. But I remember reallly enjoying legos. I could play them for hours. So strange b/c now I am defintely NOT a "builder".

7. Do you have a “go to” outfit? What is it?
Oh yes. Currently (with the nice weather we are FINALLY getting). My go-to outfit is dark jeans, a nice pair of heals, and a black cardigan with a white cami underneath. I will "go-to" any cardigan to be honest. I love sweaters.

8. Who was the best teacher you ever had?
My Pharmacology, Med-Surg, AND Research teacher that I have had in nursing school. In the accelerated program, I spent about 10-11 hours with her weekly for three 8 week semesters. Since my class has only about 23 girls, we got to know her quite well! On top of that -- she's an incredible teacher and has SO MUCH experience. She is definitely one of those nurses I hope to be like some day!

9. If you could buy any car right now (something at least SORT OF within the realm of reality…so, you know, a Rolls Royce may not qualify), what would it be?
-I understand that these cars are stupid. I understand they have poor gas milage for the size. And I understand they are ugly. But I want a Smart Car. I know, I know. I love the petite-ness.

10. How do you reckon that Chelsea comes up with 10 of these questions every week? It was hard! What’s your theory on how she’s so creative? Are you going to help her?
-I always wonder how Chelsea comes up with these questions! In fact, I was just thinking about that the other day. I love these "Ten on Tuesdays". She is incredibly creative! I would be glad to help come up with new questions!


Lisa's Yarns said…
Oh my, that is quite a terrible story - you gotta take care of yourself abs! Yikes! Glad Ryan was able to come and get you & you were surrounded by nurses-to-be!

I so remember your folder of architect stuff!!
Marlys said…
I love reading your blogs, and Lisa's, too! I keep learning more and more about you two!

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