This week's 10 on Tuesday is a little different - it's photos of your living space!
Here it goes!
1. Your house.
Here it goes!
1. Your house.
2. Your shower
3. The inside of your refridgerator
4. Your pet.
I don't do pets. In fact, I'm sorry but I don't like animals. If you're going to go ahead and get offended - please, don't. It's better this way. If I had a pet, I'd leave it out on the 110 degree heat, unfed, and it would probably die. I'm just being honest.....
I like people better.
5. Your favorite pair of shoes.
6. The most comfortable seat in your house.
I'm just going to be honest. The bed is the most comfortable. If I'm sick - the only place that will serve me well is this bed.
7. Your favorite cup or coffee mug.
8. Your laundry room.
My laundry room is in the garage. Kinda...interesting. And will not let this happen when we purchase a house. Please ignore the mess on top of the laundry machine. This is what happens when you don't have a formal laundry room. (I know...excuses...)
10. Your spouse/significant other/roomate.
This computer only has photos of the 2 of us, and I'm too lazy to edit and photoshop my face out of there.
After I posted my fridge pic, I noticed that a little bit of gatorade spilled... must have leaked out of my fuel belt containers. Oops. Hopefully no one judges me for my messy fridge!!!