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The time has come, my friends.

The time has come. You know when you've been really good? You've been exercising, eating good portions, getting your 6 servings of vegetables.........and then the opportunity to go out for ice cream comes about. You do it. You deserve it. No guilt here!

Well, I'm not giving you cyber-servings of mint-choco-ice-cream, folks. I'm giving you a rant.

I know. So not as cool and exciting as ice cream.

I try to ration my "rants". All because I don't want the world of blogging to think, "Wow, this girl is one raging b*tch!". I just like to see the world from a different angle sometimes. What's that angle? Fricking sarcastic and cynical, and sometimes irritated.

So....brace yourselves - here it goes! *Disclaimer, this is just for fun! *

What is my rant-o-choice this time?

Yep. That's right. Grocery carts.

You're all probably thinking, Why do grocery carts make this girl angry. Wow. She really is a "raging B*tch".

No. I'm talking about the laziness attached to our shoppers. I don't know if this is a national issue.

It is an issue at my local grocery store, and it drives me I N S A N E!!!

You know how there are these little "grocery cart collection areas"? Those areas where, "When you are done shopping, walk 20 feet, and place your cart here"

Oh. Hell. No. Not at my grocery store.

People take their grocery carts, and prop them up on curbs, push them into cars, or just get real lazy and leave them in the middle of the aisle.


Here is my synopsis of these citzens: (this is only a prediction, remember)
You just spent probably 20-30 minutes WALKING around the grocery store picking up items such as the following:

  • Doritos

  • Spam

  • Dr. Pepper

  • Pepsi

  • Moutain Dew

  • Natural Light

  • Keystone Light

  • Hungy Man Dinners (a nice assortment)

  • Instant Potatoes

  • Microwavable mini sausages

  • Many packets of cheese dogs

  • Ho-ho's - strawberry flavored

  • Oreos

  • Ho-ho's - vanilla flavored (okay, I don't know what Ho-Ho's are actually. I've seen them. I'm just making assumptions here.....)

  • Bugles

  • Fritos

  • Ice Cream

  • Drumsticks (not chicken, the ice cream kind)

  • Microwavable Hot Wings

  • Pizza Rolls

  • Microwave Pizza (does that exist? I don't know. Just guessing)
After you have purchased a fantastically FULL grocery cart of processed food......You go to the self checkout. And you TAKE YOUR FREAKING TIME. You are the slowest checker-outer in the history of the world.

Then, You push your cart out to the car. You load your Ford Taurus fulllllll of your processed foods....

And then you say to yourself, "I gotta get home and throw dinner in the microwave!!!! I don't have TIME to walk my cart 10 feet to put it in the designated area"

So you actually put more effort into propping it up on the curb. Because you are so lazy that you can't walk 10 feet.

Meanwhile, a 95 year old woman with a cane picks up your lazy cart and puts it away for you.

But you don't notice. Because you're driving away while texting.

Now that I got that off my chest....I feel much better!

Happy Wednesday!!!

I take my NCLEX on September 21!!!!!!! Yay!!! That means I'll most likely be an RN on September 23!? (officially)


Marlys said…
I had to laugh - just had to! That scenario is true no matter where you go! And if it's a windy day, like the many we have in the midwest, those carts can blow right into your car and leave a nasty dent! Grrr!
Mama Nastase said…
Ha ha ha! You forgot the scenario of the person who grabs a gallon of milk in the dairy dept and then leaves it on a shelf in housewares because they've changed their mind. Meanwhile that gallon of milk sits for hours before a clerk puts it back in the refrigerator for some unsuspecting person to buy. :(
Lisa's Yarns said…
yep, this happens at my grocery store... Not as often, but it does happen.

I am sort of anal about putting grocery carts away. I push them together and push them to the back of the corral. I am sure people see me doign this and think I am a store employee... It gives me a sense of satisfaction to leave that area 'tidy'. ;)
Mama Nastase said…
Lisa, I agree about shoving the cars all the way in when I return mine to the corral...however I feel it would be dishonest if I didn't admit that occasionally I have been one of the guilty ones who have parked her cart on the curb! (I know, I know!!) :cringe: But in my defense, it was because I would have had to leave the baby in the car, out of sight of the corral, in order to return it properly.

This entry made me grin as I ran into the store during rush-hour on "Senior Discount Wednesday" yesterday. ;)

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