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The Heart Truth

Today is National Wear Red Day.
 It's the day to remind us that Heart Disease is not just a killer of men.
It equally effects women!
 Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of us women!

As many of you know....We used to only associate heart disease with men. We call the Left Main Artery the "Widow Maker" in reference to the fact it gets blocked in men, in creates women-widow's after major myocardial infarctions (heart attacks)!

However, after my experience of working on a cardiac floor -- I have more female patients receiving cardiology work-ups than men! Now, we could play devil's advocate, look at statistics, etc -- and say that "Yes, but, women tend to be more proactive about going in and attacking their health than men" -- which is true...but.....This is my statement to get women to think about their hearts! ;)

I had to do a post on this -- becauseI heart the heart! I did my senior capstone on heart disease (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/Cardiac Caths to be specific)...and when I do my master's -- I will most likely do it on something in the realm of Congestive Heart Failure management, etc.

So----- Even though this isn't being posted until Friday morning (I'm forgetful) -- Sport some red if you can! Do something for your heart today which can be ANY of the following:
  • Go for a walk, do some exercise! Get active!
  • Eat heart-healthy nuts like almonds or pecans (put in moderation, and not too salty!)
  • Laugh! One of the huge keys in heart disease prevention is being around people, socializing, laughter, and just feel joy
  • Hug someone you love - they have done studies that show people who receive emotional/intimate contact have better overall health b/c they feel better about themselves 
  • Have a glass of red wine!


Unprofessional said…
Aw, I also heart the heart!
Jess said…
Nice post. I love the idea of laughter actually being really great medicine!

Thanks for this!
I actually did every single thing on that list yesterday!! :) I ran outdoors for the first time since November! It was only 18 degrees, but it wasn't too bad! I ate toasted pecans at the party, laughed alot, hugged family/friends, and I had red wine!
Marlys said…
Well done, my dear! Great advice!

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