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January's "Currently"

I always like to circle back to these every once in awhile. Last time I did a "currently" update, we were getting ready to close on our house. I feel like a whole lifetime has happened since June!

So here is my current "currently's"

Reading: "Crucial Conversations" -- it's a leadership book I've been tasked to read by my mentor at work. It's actually really interesting - and talks about how to handle the soft skill of gracefully handling difficult conversations such as "confrontation" or giving out criticism.

As much as I'd prefer some mindless reading - it is entertaining.

Thinking: About how I want to decorate our house. I need help mixing modern with SW rustic (which is the style of our home).

Feeling: Quiet. Ryan is gone. I work from home. If it weren't for my running girlfriends or my "Run Club" kids I coach on M, W, Th....I think I'd be talking to myself. I already have found myself talking to my dog more often lately ;)

Anticipating: A trip to Syracuse next weekend! We are going to spend a night in Ithaca and check out Ithaca College/Cornell University (as it's supposed to be beautiful), some local wineries (at least the tasting rooms due to the winter weather), and if there is snow on the ground do some cross country skiing! There are also some waterfalls that are open to "hike" in the winter -- so will check out the Finger Lakes, as well!

Sad: That although I have a work-from-home job that can take me anywhere....I can't be in NY with my husband. Have to be honest and admit as positive as I'm trying to be....I don't really want to be here.

Working: Hard and happy. This time of year is insanely busy in my industry -- and I've taken on quite of bit of extra responsibility over the past month. But I love my job - so it's all worth it! :)

Grateful: For all the rain we have been getting! Although it is making for so wet training runs....I will never turn down rain! Neither will my garden ;)

Listening: To a lot of classical music. I've gotten hooked on "Mozart In the Jungle" - an Amazon series - and it has put me in the mood for classical - Baroque era music, specifically.

Wishing: That I continue to stay healthy and injury free through February 25! Race day.


Marlys said…
There are parameters inside a thermostat where one can set the high or low temps, so that may be all that has to be done, but your Dad would have to explain how to do it to Ryan. 80 is too hot for sleeping!
I so understand why you want to be with Ryan and feel for you! These frequent separations can be very taxing on one's soul.
Have a great trip to NY and it sounds like you have lots planned for those few days!
Abby said…
I forgot to delete my "Frustrated" comment from back in June when we were in that apartment with crappy air conditioning, Mom ;)If I kept our house at 80 right now, our gas bill would be through the roof! Ha!!

New house has a smart thermostat. It's actually kind of cold when I sleep at night. But I do that on purpose ;)
I totally understand why you are frustrated to be away from Ryan. That's a long time to be apart. I'm glad you have a couple of trips to look forward to! I haven't been to upstate NY before but I have heard that it's beautiful! I hope the weather cooperates while you are out there. And I hope this time apart goes fast. Thank goodness you have a great network of friends. It's not the same as having Ryan there, of course, but definitely helps with the loneliness!!

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