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Hello My Old Friend

Wow, this blog still exists?!

I last left you with a heartfelt post of us ending our little stay in Fargo, North Dakota, and returning back to Arizona. Boy, am I glad I did a few posts while there to document that special time in our lives that still lives a massive imprint on my heart.

I won't drone in the details that have occurred over the past three years. But I will say that a lot has happened! A few highlights:

  • Ryan and I both started master's programs sometime in 2018.
  • I left Humana and returned to the big, busy, academic medical center I so loved
  • I became a liver transplant coordinator and had the honor to help several patients get listed for a life-saving transplant. 
  • I also spent a lot of hours on-call as a transplant coordinator, which was a challenge to balance with grad school as I sometimes worked 20 days in a row
  • Our garden is massive. 
  • We became chicken farmers
  • We traveled all over Italy and Greece last year to celebrate our 10-year Anniversary
  • I got burnt out of all the call hours and accepted a position in Quality Improvement
  • I have become a data nerd, spending most of my workweek buried in pivot tables - but I love the challenges of my role.
  • Ryan went on a 6-month deployment. It felt like a year.
  • I ran in the Boston marathon
  • I also ran an Ultra Marathon. Yes, 33 miles through the mountains. Crazy.
  • A little virus from a bat called "COVID-19" turned into a pandemic and has rocked our world. 
  • We started buying investment properties in June, and are currently putting an offer on our third (!) house 
  • We have a baby on the way :)
Meet Baby Sebastian

Let me just take a deep breath for a second and reflect on all that... I am sure I missed a few things...but those are the highlights. 

The last item is the reason I have returned to blogging. I don't plan on advertising this and assume I will likely be the only person that reads this due to my absence from the blogging world. Baby Sebastian won't make his social media debut for a few more weeks. 

I thought this would be a good time to document what I'm going through and write some letters to Baby Sebastian. Maybe I will share them with this child of mine someday. :) 

If you are one of the people happening to stumble upon this blog (like perhaps my mother likely will haha) - enjoy? And, Future child of mine, I am already practicing one of the very important roles of a parent: embarrassing you. :)


Marlys said…
I saw the Sébastien blog but missed this one! Yes, I'll be checking in regularly to watch the progress and news about our little embryo! That was a whirlwind 3 years, for sure!
Lindsay C said…
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about the investment properties and your journey to motherhood! :)
yay! I thought I had your blog in my feeder but then last night when I couldn't sleep I thought that I better check your blog today as it seemed unlikely you'd tell mom and I you were back to blogging but not post anything!

You will be so glad that you are documenting the pregnancy. I know it feels like it's crawling by but in retrospect, you'll look back and it will feel like a blur! Love the nickname for the baby! I'm so excited and have loved being pregnant with you!

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