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The Renaming,

First of all, I would like to apologize for my absence in letters recently. You have been on my mind 24/7, but your mom was in the final week of a grad school class, interviewing for new jobs, and feeling a little under the weather. 

A few things going on. 

Before we continue down the path of "why are you changing jobs, again, lady?" Let's talk about your name.

You see, we already explained why I chose "Sebastian". But let's get to why I was picking a boy's name. Most of your cousins are boys. Therefore, I always kind of figured I'd have a boy. 

However, strange story that perhaps is on the edge of being an "old wives tale". Your dad worked on F16 jets before he became a pilot, and every single man in the shop he worked with birthed a family of girls. Unit BBQ's were a parade of sugar, spice, and everything nice. We often wondered if there was some effect from the radiation exposure of the jet that messed with chromosomes to prevent any Y chromosomes. 

So if you're wishing for your next sibling to be a brother...I wouldn't hold your breath. I have a sneaky suspicion we will be outnumbering your Dad and Miles ;) But by the time you read this letter, that mystery will be debunked.

As my pregnancy has progressed, I have often pictured that you were a girl, but assumed my intuition was wrong. 

Well, this week we got the genetic testing results back - and we were OVERJOYED with the news to find out that I have been carrying a little girl for the past 12 weeks! And more importantly, all your chromosomes are present and lined up as they should be. 

So I can no longer call you Sebastian ;). For now, I will resume calling you "Baby Namaste" ;). 

I cannot WAIT to have a little girl at my side in the kitchen, out in the garden, and on all our little adventures. I already know we are going to be good friends. 

I also realize there will be that unfortunate phase from the age of approximately 11-19 where you will defy everything I say. Everything I think is neat, you will say is stupid. 

But if you can take my wise words, do skip that phase. That would be super-duper! 

Because when you turn 19 and you move away from home...suddenly you'll realize your Mom is the coolest person on the planet. And when you are 30, you will desperately want to take back every snotty teenager comment you made. You will pine to relive every moment you got when you lived in the same state as your Mom. 

I may even become your best friend someday. But if you're reading this as a teenager...go ahead...roll your eyes and say "Yeah right. As if." 

;) Mom's are usually right...

Well, Baby Namaste, I ought to close down this letter as it is 7pm and the "witching hour" of nausea is coming upon us. ;) Stay tuned as I talk about some career decisions that have been a-brewing! 


Marlys said…
I loved this post, as any mother would! I'm so excited you're having a girl, and I cherish every memory I have of you growing up. Even the reen years weren't so bad, as we made lots of trips to Wahpeton and Fargo for your piano and trombone lessons. I loved shopping for prom dresses with you, and playing duets for your recitals, among other memories. You'll be a great Mom!
I have also apologized to mom for my awful snotty behavior in HS. She said she doesn’t really remember and doesn’t think it was as bad as I remembered. But I know I was quite rude. Us daughters can be hard on our moms but then you have a special relationship later in life!

Really hope your nausea starts to pass soon!!!
Lizzie G. said…
I love this.. I'm looking forward to seeing you as a momma with your mini me sweet, fun girl. I can imagine she will be every bit as exceptional as you are:)

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