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Bougie Rotten Lemons

When people ask me about my pregnancy, once of the questions I often receive is "What are you craving?" 

Unfortunately, despite how much of a foodie I am, my answer is "a day where I don't vomit?".
I am very grateful that last week, mid-week 16, nausea seemed to lift. I still have my ugly moments (like this morning) - but they are few and far between. Thank you, Baby Namaste!! 

During my 1st trimester, I ate probably the most unhealthy I've ever eaten in my life. I lived on bread, crackers, tortilla chips, french fries, potatoes, and more toast. I could hardly stomach a salad or roasted vegetables, and that worried me that 1) Baby Namaste was not getting the right nutrients and 2) This is the moment I return to my old childhood nickname of "Flabby Abby". 

But I was assured on more than 1 occasion that prenatal vitamins are good coverage. And you just need to eat what you can. Carbs are good for a growing fetus! I am starting to feel more like my old self again. Here is the list of strange food habits I'm currently experiencing!! 

The weird part is I never crave anything. Nothing even sounds good to me...but, I eat because I have to. It's very bizarre. As I LOVE food. A LOT!!!! I look forward to "wanting" to eat again... 
  • Grapefruit & Oranges - I've always liked these, but never went crazy over them. Now, they are a must-have in our kitchen. I have one every day as a snack. 
  • Ceasar salads. I never ate Ceasar salads before. I don't even think I liked them? 2 weeks ago, I bought this random Greek Ceasar salad bag and went absolutely crazy over it. Now I make myself a ceasar salad almost every day (hold the anchovies, please).
  • Watermelon. What pregnant woman doesn't go nutso over watermelon. Plus, water doesn't really taste good to me right now, so this helps get me some extra hydration! 
  • Raw Purple Cabbage. Another staple required in the house. I cut it into wedges and much away at it. Sometimes I'll toss it with lemon, vinegar, and oil. But that isn't necessary! 
  • Pasta. I still really enjoy the simplicity of plain pasta tossed with olive oil & herbs. 
  • Eegees vegetable grinders. The other day we were out and about dealing with real estate things, and I was ravaged and HAD to eat (I never used to get like that). Ryan pulled through the Eegees drive-thru, and then I realized everything had deli-meat. The vegetarian grinder tasted out-of-this-world to me. He! It is essentially a sub with tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, cheese, and Italian dressing. 
Here are foods I absolutely cannot stomach (all foods I really enjoyed before I ever was pregnant):
  • Anything with a red sauce. Nope. 
  • I struggle with meat. Still eat it, because it's easy protein. But gross. 
  • Chocolate. This one makes me sad. 
  • Coffee. This one makes me even sadder. You wouldn't believe how much coffee I used to consume. Now, I can't get it down. I've had a few treat-lattes over the last 2 weeks, and those have been okay. But trying to drink coffee at home repulses me. 
  • Greek yogurt. Just about every other morning I used to take plain greek yogurt (Fage) and eat it with honey, walnuts, and fresh fruit. Now I end up throwing it in the garbage after a few bites. 
  • Most beverages. I am struggling hard to get fluids down. Nothing tastes good, and things I used to enjoy now have a strange aftertaste. I bought this bougie, alcohol-free, Prosecco online called Gruvi to bring on a camping trip or have for our anniversary dinner. And after my 3rd sip, I literally couldn't get it down. I even had Ryan taste it to fact check with me. He said I was losing my mind, as it tasted really good and refreshing. I swear it tasted like stale, rotten lemons! I am going to save this for after baby is born, as this has to be a pregnancy thing. 

It will be interesting to look back on this on a future pregnancy to see if these aversions and weird eating habits change? What weird foods did you consume or avoid during pregnancy?

Also, I really really really want sushi. Spicy tuna and spicy yellowtail, please. Like, I am going to have it delivered to the hospital the day I give birth!!!! 


Bummer that the Gruvi drink did not taste good to you! Hopefully that changes later in pregnancy? Because once the baby is born, you can safely have wine/beer! In our breastfeeding class, the instructor told the husbands they should bring mom a beer or glass of wine when she was nursing in the evening. Ha.

I do not have nearly as many aversions as you, but I also have not been sick so I am very very lucky in that regard. Coffee and sweets were a total turnoff in the first tri. I can eat them now, though, with no trouble. Hard boiled eggs and yogurt were other aversions that stuck around but I'm going to have to just get over when I start the GDM diet as they are good sources of protein. That's kind of about it for aversions, though, and I have not had cravings in either pregnancy!
Marlys said…
That’s a lot of aversions and I’m sure they will gradually go away as you progress! I remember craving raw cabbage and watermelon. It was easy to keep cabbage on hand, but watermelon was another story! In the winter months, you could not buy it anywhere, and I even asked your Dad if we could just order one from Texas, but he thought that idea was insane. One doesn’t understand cravings like that unless you’re pregnant!
I love that the veggie sandwich made your day! Your body was telling you something. It would be awful to crave ice cream, as you’d really put on the pounds! I never did crave dill pickles like some people do.
You will have to keep us posted as to how your cravings and aversions change as you progress in the next months.

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