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Where's the Bump?

 As a post to someday looks back is an update. 

I am 19 weeks and some change, and I can finally say that the nausea is mostly gone! Sometimes if I change positions too fast in the middle of the night, it sends me into a violent spin of nausea where I have to rush into the other bathroom. But that is manageable...a 2 am Saltine cracker helps. 

(Have I mentioned how sick of saltine crackers I am? Very.

But I only had 1 or 2 bad nights last week...compared to before where I was sick 24/7. I call this is massive progress!! 

Let's talk baby-bump. 

I feel like I'm sort of letting people down, because people will ask about my bump or say " I can't wait to see your baby bump!" And then I see them, and they respond with " don't even look pregnant!"

Honestly, I'd rather just look pregnant at this point! (I know I'll eat these words when I'm 36 weeks haha! Kind of like when I said at 7 weeks "I wish I'd feel a little nausea so I know I'm really pregnant." Boy, do I wish I could pull that penny out of the wishing-well...)

For example, I was teased at my run Saturday morning for walking all the steep uphills by a nice man in our running group who was completely oblivious of my current state. I responded to him by saying, "Well, I'm sure I could sprint up these hills if I wasn't 19 weeks pregnant!" Hoping to succeed in making him feel stupid.  


(After the run he apologized profusely, feeling like an idiot...And again, I was told "You don't even look pregnant!") 

At this point, I am so happy to not be nauseated constantly that I am almost elated. It is amazing what that has done for my overall mood and outlook on life. 

Here is a little bump progress pics. I will say there are pants that don't quite fit as comfortably any more...and some of my high-waisted dress pants do not zip up. 

I acknowledge there was little consistency in how I was doing this @ the beginning. After 12 weeks, I decided to start wearing the same sports bra & pants).
Here I am at 9 weeks when I thought I was "really" getting a bump! :D Now I laugh.

16 weeks I was starting to get something...

And 19 weeks! I will do a real 20-week picture this weekend with the fancy little sign. 
I will be completely honest that it is really a challenge for me to embrace and feel comfortable in my skin these days. I have a history of struggling with body image, and so have to do a lot of positive self-talk and remind myself I am growing a human! 

I am lucky to have a very sweet and supportive husband who tells me I look cute and to embrace the process. 
I am also very grateful of what my body can do right now! I'm just so happy to not be nauseated, it takes away other "negative energy" I could be feeling! :) 

Perspective is an amazing thing. 


Hopefully you start to show a bit more soon! You are carrying smaller than I did with Paul, I think. It's hard to tell in your 19 week pic, though - I'd need to see something form fitting. Yay for almost being the half-way mark, though, and I am glad that you are feeling better. It will be exciting to have your 20week scan and see lots of pictures of the baby. That was a really reassuring step for us and I am glad Phil was able to come to that appointment, like Ryan will be able to.

People have so many comments about pregnancy so just try to block them out. Just listen to what your doctor is saying about the ground. She'll start measuring fundal height at your next appt I think if she hasn't already. She'll let you know if the growth is behind - it never was for Paul even though I was measuring a bit small. The body changes can be hard but it will all be worth it in the end and given how active you are, I'm sure you will bounce back very quickly! I'm so much bigger this time around and I honestly HATE it. But it is what it is!

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