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10 Questions

How fast does the 2nd half of pregnancy go? My 1st half went extraordinarily slow, and there were 5 weeks where I didn't even know I was pregnant. But I also spent 95% of those months lying down or vomiting or thinking about how I wanted to lie down and vomit. 

I'm starting to feel like I ought to be "doing something". 

You know that feeling in the morning when you're sort of still asleep, but you're coming to consciousness? that is sort of how I feel about pregnancy right now. I'm sort of hyperfocused on work, adjusting/establishing myself in a new role and really finishing the last 7 weeks of grad school. But here is the list of things that are on my mind sort of "peripherally" stressing me out.

When I come back to consciousness after December 6 (when I finish school) - I'll re-read this post and start going through the checklist, I suppose. 

1. How do you bring a citizen into the world? Am I supposed to be contacting someone about her birth certificate? Who handles that? 

2. How early do I have to let a pediatrician know they have a patient to see? I was provided a print-out list of pediatricians by my OB office when I was 8 weeks pregnant, along with a large folder of other lists and resources I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with. 

3. How many diapers do I buy? What kind of diapers do I buy? We decided against doing cloth, because I am more stressed about using too much water and our laundry room is too close to our living space - and I don't want to deal with that smell. 

4. How do you arrange maternity leave with your employer? I have a timeframe set in my mind, and know that I will have to take several weeks unpaid (which is fine...I'd rather have time with my newborn than have a paycheck. We live below our means for these kinds of perks...)

5. Do I really need to take any pre-birthing classes? My hospital canceled everything due to COVID. The online ones are rather pricey and quite a time commitment. Is it work the money or can I read a book? 

6. Where are we going to establish daycare? Again, COVID cancels any ability to tour the places we have chosen. But I'd like to step foot in the place before we make that decision. 

7. What do we need to register for? And how many of these different things? 

8. How do you handle it with work when you go into labor? Like....when I am going into labor at 2am, should I quick log on and set up my "Out of office reply"? (lol)

9. What if I can't figure out how to console our baby? I've babysat young children. I've stabilized old cardiac patients as a cardiac nurse. I've helped resuscitate drug overdoses as an emergency room nurse. I've never taken care of a newborn. 

10. What else should I be stressing about that I'm missing?


I promise you will figure all of this stuff out as it comes up. My company's maternity policy was very black and white so that was an easy one - I just told my boss, fairly early, and when it's closer to when I go out, I'll apply for short term disability/FMLA. For the birth certificate, they give you a form at the hospital to fill out and then it gets mailed to you. For registry stuff, I would look at what I registered for, or other friends who have similar values in terms of accumulation of stuff... I decided on a pediatrician about a month before the baby was born. They will ask you at the hospital and if you select a pediatrician that doesn't round at that hospital (which was the case for us) you'll just see the hospitalist. We chose the ped that Courtney's kids see and we love her. So I'd just ask friends who live close to you whose opinions you trust? or ask your OB if there is any practice in particular that she'd recommend?

You'll probably be fine w/out birthing classes. I am glad we did them as it helped us adjust our expectations (mostly mine) about how birth could go and made us focus on our priorities - skin to skin time and delayed cord clamping. My other priority was a vaginal birth but that did not happen obviously but I was fine with it in the moment as I just wanted the baby safely there. It's hard to answer the diaper question because it depends on how big the baby is. Everyone told us we'd barely need any newborn diapers and then Paul was in those diapers for a good month+ - same goes for newborn clothes. Everyone said he'd grow out of them super fast. Nope, wore them for probably 2 months. But every baby is so different. But Amazon is a godsend, or Target if Ryan likes running errands - we opted to get a ton of stuff from Amazon since we had gift cards to burn.

And when you go into labor, I think work will be the last thing on your mind... Granted nothing life or death happens in my roll and I knew when I'd be induced so I didn't have to deal with that but I think you could just text or email your boss or have Ryan do that in the morning if you go into labor during the night. They'll probably be expecting you to go out very suddenly.
Marlys said…
Right now you’re in the prime of your pregnancy, so enjoy it to the most! Please don’t stress about so many things as they will work out for you. Ask friends who have babies for their advice, especially with pediatrician recommendations and day care.
I wouldn’t buy too many diapers or new born clothes right now, as babies do grow quickly. Most of my babies didn’t even wear newborn sizes as they were too small for them! You have the good fortune of having stores close to you, and Amazon is amazing! I did use quite a few receiving blankets that I used to swaddle my babies with, and they sometimes get wet and soiled so you should have at least five of them. Also burp cloths are very much needed, used and get soiled quickly, too. You’ll start with mostly sleepers so a good supply is necessary but not too many depending on how fast your little one grows!
As far as “things”, you will need a bouncy seat, and I felt a baby swing was so needed! Of course you have the basics, like crib, bassinet, car seat, and a stroller. A nose syringe or suction device is good to have on hand at first. A baby manicure scissors will come in useful!
Now, as to worrying about taking care of that little one, it will come naturally as you all acclimate to her needs. Every baby is so different, but new borns love to be swaddled, dry and snuggled! They are very sensitive to someone being nervous or anxious around them, so just relax and take it one hour at a time!

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