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Final Stretch!

 Dear Baby Namaste,

As anticipated, I've been a little absent from blogging. Your Mama had to finish her capstone paper, had 10 hours of practicum each week, on top of working 40 hours/week. Oh, and we closed on 2 real estate deals over the past 8 weeks. So I've been a little "occupied" from blogging. But guess what? She graduates from my masters program in a few short days!!

But all that doesn't mean you don't consume just about every waking moment of my mind. :D 

I've managed to slide into the 3rd trimester already! I feel like the 1st trimester lasted 2 years, and then once I hit 16 weeks and removed my head from the toilet - the clock started running again! 

I've honestly enjoyed this phase of pregnancy quite a bit. I am so grateful to not be nauseated anymore - that I'm elated. I prayed and prayed to God that if he would just relieve my nausea, I'd never complain again. And I'm holding to that pretty strong...for now :D 

Your nursery is really coming together. I hope you like pink. By the way, that was your Dad's idea. I obviously love pink but wasn't going to suggest it as I assumed I'd get shut down. But he is so over-the-moon excited to add you to our life that he wanted a pink nursery! Score!!

So on that note - since he seems to be so swooned by you. Once you start talking, maybe you can ask him if we can get a housekeeper? And how about a membership to the local spa for a monthly massage :D.... 

You've certainly become active. Especially after I eat Indian food (which is almost a weekly occurrence in this household). Pumpkin pie also got your very excited last weekend. You also like to start kicking me at 4 am. Which is funny, because my alarm typically goes off at 4:20am. You must be a morning person like me!

The doctor told me at my last appointment that you're preferring to hang out "transverse" across my belly. Which means I don't have much of a big baby bump. The benefit is that I have zero back pain and am pretty comfortable. Please do make your way to your proper position as the time gets closer, however ! 

It is surreal to think that in just about 10 weeks I get to hold you in my arms and meet your sweet face! 

With Love,

Your Content Mama


Lisa's Yarns said…
I'm glad that the 2nd trimester has been so much better for you! I know the first was absolutely awful so I am glad things have improved. Hopefully that continues into the 3rd. Carrying small will help as you'll have way less discomfort than the average person. Hopefully she gets into head down position in the coming weeks but she has lots of time to move still! If I didn't have RA, I would say that pregnancy is really not that bad, even late stages. I do have trouble breathing but this kids is restricting my diaphragm - doubt you will deal with that since you are carrying small/this is your first pregnancy. So you'll probably sale through the final weeks - and anything doesn't seem bad compared to all the puking you did in the first tri!

That is so sweet that Ryan is so over the moon about the baby. Can't wait to see the nursery. We are the opposite of you guys have did not have a nursery set up for either baby! But in both cases, we were uses the room for something else (guest room at Aldrich, Phil's office space in this house). So it will be a last minute set up when he's closer to moving into his room. That said, when dad is here this weekend we are going to move the changing table and glider out of Paul's room and into Taco's. We are waiting to see if Paul will be ready to ditch the crib when the baby is ready to move rooms. I don't think he will, Phil thinks we should just do it... we'll see who wins that argument!

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