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2020 Goals - Oh for cute

Every year towards the end of December, I sit down and write down a "bucket list" for the year. I do that instead of resolutions or goals because it just feels more fun to check things off as the year goes on. 

Well, in 2020 - I have a lofty bucket list involving different travel plans, career endeavors, and athletic accomplishments. 

And then COVID happened. And then I got pregnant. So now when I read my 2020 goals, it kind of makes me giggle. While 2020 looked different than I thought it would -- it shaped out to be a pretty great year despite conditions out of our control!

One thing I can't stand is making up excuses for things you didn't get done. Excuses = crutches. If you didn't accomplish something, you clearly didn't make that a priority. But this year...I think I can we can all use a"judgement-free excuse card".

So here is where I came out :D 

1. Run 50K -- I did that! It was January 25, prior to the world starting on fire and races shutting down. 

This is me with my friends Sharon & Craig - who I did all the training for this race with! It was a pretty cool memory.

2. Hike Mt. Wrightston -- Well, after I recovered from my 50K, many of the trails were shut down due to COVID. Then the mountains started on fire. By the time the mountains weren't on fire, I was into my second trimester of pregnancy - and that just isn't the time to be climbing the highest peak in the Tucson area.

3. Obtain my Six Sigma Yellow Belt. I was signed up for an all-day class in Phoenix for the initial training. And then COVID hit, and it got cancelled. By the time my company rescheduled it to a virtual meeting, I was redeployed and assisting with distribution of PPE. 

4. Deadlift 200 lbs. Right after my 50K, I started to do a lot of weight training, and I got up to 165# deadlifting. When we had our shutdowns in March, I started turning to running 6 days/week as my escape from everything, so I lost interest in this goal.

5. Visit Sedona. Yes! We did this in May when we were camping in Flagstaff. We had a beautiful hike and soaked in the sites. 

Sedona is absolutely gorgeous! We look forward to retuning here for another camping trip hopefully this spring once the baby is old enough.

6. Graduate from MSN Program. Another thing I did! haha 

7. Run a sub-1:32 half marathon. This would have qualified me into the NYC Marathon. Well, all races got cancelled - so this didn't happen. 

8. Read 4 books. If you count the pregnancy books I read this summer, then I accomplished this goal. I know 4 isn't much - but I was trying to be realistic knowing I'd have my toughest courses with grad school this year!

9. Make 5 new friends. This sounds like a strange goal - but I always try to set relationship/friendship goals, and always like to expand my circle each year. I didn't accomplish this goal, because it is hard to make new friends when everything is shut down. I will say I re-kindled some friendships this year, however! 

10. Join church choir. Well, there is no singing and church has mostly been shut down. So this did not happen. 

11. Get pregnant. 

Okay, reading this goal made me laugh out loud -- because I seriously do not even remember writing this one down!! 
Not to say this pregnancy was an "oops". 
In May, Ryan and I made the conscious decision to stop "not trying". We have been doing natural family planning throughout our marriage, and to be completely honest - I didn't even think I could get pregnant since I had irregular cycles and had never gotten pregnant yet to this date. 
But I pretty much got pregnant the second we started "trying". 

So there is another goal that was checked off the 2020 bucket list! And I'd have to say the best one yet!


I think you did great with your goals considering the curve balls that 2020 threw at us! I didn’t really set goals for 2020. I knew we really wanted to have a baby and I know that pregnancy is very hard for me so it’s not the time to reach for goals. But I did read a ton and had a great year at work, so it was a good year! I am not setting goals this year either because the first year of life after a baby is born is very hard and throws you all sorts of other challenges. I mean I will still strive to accomplish things. It’s just not a time for me personally to really push myself! So it’s all about adjusting to life as a family of 4!
Marlys said…
Well, I had a lofty goal for 2020 and I accomplished it - retirement! I can’t believe how I don’t miss working and keep wondering how I worked 8 hour days, taking care of two homes and just keeping up with life requirements. I am so enjoying my early morning coffee dates with my daily scripture readings etc! And some days I don’t get dressed until after 8 am! I find time for daily Masses about 2 or 3 days a week. Life is great.
I can’t say that Covid has affected me much except for not having family around as much as we would like but we have seen everyone occasionally, so all is good.
My goals for the New Year are mostly to start making quilts for my grandchildren so I’m raring to get started! Thankfully there’s a quilt shop not far from here, Perham, so I know I can get advice there.
I’m also really excited to go on a road trip to AZ with Paul as we have rarely traveled that way so I hope the weather cooperates! We are so excited to greet our new granddaughter when we get there! Two grands within three months is so awesome!

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