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7 months in review

I've been in a bit of a haze over the past 7 months. I wouldn't say I'm out of the haze. But I'm coming up for air. 

Let me bullet point-style and unload my soul. As I feel these are pivotal life moments that need to be documented somewhere...

  • Maddy had growth issues. I had breastfeeding issues. It took many pediatrician appointments, 6 lactation consultant appointments, Gallons of tears, and so many prayers - but somehow Madelyn has gone from being in the 1st percentile to the 13th percentile as an exclusively breastfed baby. If our next baby has issues - I am going to come back to this bullet point as a reminder. It took work. It took a supportive husband. It took professional help. It took many text messages and phone calls to my sisters, Mom, and some good mama friends. But...we got there. 
  • We have had some awesome family visits - my parents stayed here for 2 weeks after Madelyn was born, my brother Kevin and his family came in April, Ryan's sister Erin came in June, and his Mom and step dad stayed with us for a week in July!! 

  • We took our 1st vacation to San Diego in May when Maddy was 3 months old! 
  • I did not return to work. I quit my job, as they could not accommodate part-time work. But when I quit my job, they came back and asked if I could do some contracting and work as many or little hours as I'd like.
  • Since June, I've worked more hours than I'd like. Being a full-time stay-at-home mom, helping run our real estate business, and working 15 hours a week, and running on 5 hours sleep/night was a little much. I've finally trained up my replacement...and am able to settle down a little.
  • I'm still a runner. But most of my runs are pushing a stroller and a babbling babe.

  • I haven't slept more than 3 hours straight since February. 
  • Life feels complete. 


Marlys said…
Welcome back! It’s been a full seven months to be sure, but you always seem to handle things very well. I know the sleep deprivation is a struggle and I so hope Maddy soon sleeps through the nights. I so enjoy all the pictures you send us and the facetimes so we can see her grow before our eyes! Modern technology has its benefits! You also took a trip back to MN so that was another bullet point and it was so great to hold her after being there when she was first born.
Keep up the blogs as you will enjoy looking back on them in the future and marvel at her development landmarks!
I agree with mom - keep up the blogging. You will be so glad to have this to look back on as she gets older. Especially when/if you have another child. It all really does become a blur although I know it's hard to believe that when you are in the midst of a really bad stretch of sleepless nights! I am glad you are going to be working less because that was all a lot for one person! Being a SAHM is 100% a FULL TIME job!! I'm so glad we got to see you guys in August and I really hope a Feb trip will work - just waiting for mom and dad to know when they might come which is based on Jason's surgery.

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