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 One of the things I really wanted to get down in writing was a post about weaning, as I've been feeling all the feels this week as she hit this "milestone". 

I know I've alluded to this in the past on this blog, but breastfeeding was not easy for me in the beginning. We spent about 3 weeks of her not actually transferring enough milk (I had no idea), her becoming quite underweight, introducing formula & pumped milk in bottles, and then having weeks of her literally screaming at my breast and refusing to latch.

Alas around 7 weeks we got the right help from a IBCLC in town - and finally by the time Maddy was about 10 weeks old she was exclusively breastfeeding. We had to use a system called an SNS (supplemental nursing system) - where you use a tiny syringe, fill it with milk, tape the catheter to your breast, and slip it in their mouth while you attempt to latch them. It is tedious & messy - but it is extremely beneficial in teaching them how to nurse. 

I would offer my breast every 2 hours, and I pumped every 3 hours for several weeks around the clock. Looking back - those were some rough weeks with a lot of tears. But it was worth it.  

I didn't think we would make it to 3 months - so when Maddy turned 1 year and was still breastfeeding I felt like we had crossed somewhat of a finish line. But I also had no idea when she would be ready to wean. Being I'm with her like ALL the time - she's gotten to be quite attached to me. 

We arrived to San Diego Saturday afternoon, I nursed her before bed and unknowingly, at the time,  that was the last time I've breastfeed our babe. 

She woke up Sunday morning (she was sleeping in the pack n play in our bedroom since we are on vacation) - and got into bed with me to cuddle for a bit, but never asked for milk. And that was sort of it! (we had been down to just morning and night)

I realize this is the 1st of many milestones as a Mom where you get that little hole in your heart of "they don't need me anymore". I'm also ecstatic that I can wear whatever dress I want and I can drink all the coffee!!!!!

I'm so grateful I was able to provide for her this long and I hold a special place in my heart all the cuddles and late night sessions of nursing her when the world was so quiet. I do worry a little that she isn't drinking milk in any other form - but I will keep offering and just make sure to load her up on all the cheese & yogurt I can. 

I guess our little babe is growing!! This was a picture of her taken Saturday when we got to San Diego and she started picking up flowers and handing them to Ryan & I saying "dowders?" <3 She sure has our heart...


Lisa's Yarns said…
It's tough when you don't know your last nursing session is going to be your last! That was the case for us as well. It was bittersweet but also really freeing as it's been nice to take turns doing Will's bedtime, and I was glad he weaned before my work trip in April!