So I began nursing school yesterday. It reminded me of the first time I ever stepped onto a tredmill. You feel so excited, confident, and prepared to get into shape. You have the coolest running clothes on EVER, a water bottle with enough water sufficient to run a marathon, and you're just pumped....and you get on--put it at an ungodly speed and you start running. You are tripping over your own feet looking like you don't even know how to walk, until you fall FLAT on your face.
I got home at 10:00 pm last night from class, and Ryan was excited for me asking me about my day. I didnt' feel upset, or anything at all...I was just kind of stoic and said "'s was cool...." (tears about to come rolling down my eyes)
However, I was up at 5, the crack of dawn this morning and started tackling the god-awful APA formatted papers, and the lengthy endless readings, and the research for my group projects--before I knew was 11:30. I have always been a lucky student and a HUGE miminalist. I STIVE to put the least amount of time in to get the best results. And for the 1st time in my life...I'm actually enjoying putting in those extra hours.
There are so many reasons in my daily life that I know that Ryan is beyond perfect for me...and this just puts the icing on top of the cake. Our schedules are completely opposite right now (he's at school, I'm at home studying...he's at home studying when I'm at school)...but we still find the moments that we GET together to be amazing. The past few weeks, we have both had a nice little break--and have been able to enjoy the outdoors, enjoy each other's company, cook some amazing meals, and get some fishing in! So here are some pictures that I have been looking at to make me truly "appreciate the chill"

Fishing in the park for the day..Although we had no catches--it was January 1st, in the 70's, we grilled, played frisbee, saw some great wildlife....we had an amazing day.
We're cheering you on!!
Your metaphor, the treadmill and nailed it. Keep your eye on the prize, graduation, and find comfort and support from all who truly love you and Ryan. As I tell Ry, this is only a small portion of your life...the rest is yet to come.
I hope you have another successful, inspiring week. Just're one week closer to achieving your career in nursing!!
Love you and are so proud of you (and Ryan, too!)
Lora & Chris