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NEVER underestimate the power......of the Garbage Disposal...

Let me tell you something. Mostly every kitchen built in the past 10 years has this "great thing" in which we call the Garbage Disposal. Very convenient and exciting. We can put our food we don't want, don't eat, don't need and completely grind it to nothingness. How great.
This is something I have taken for granted. Because LET ME TELL does NOT grind just ANYTHING

So let's give some background information. First of all, whenever BAD THINGS HAPPEN...Ryan just happens to be at work or school or something else. On top of future mother-in-law in visiting for the week....
Now I am to be married to Ryan in 3 weeks. His mom has come to visit for the week, and I have tried and worked so very hard to impress his family. I have so badly wanted them to see me as the domesticated wife that will be an excellent woman for their son. That is all I ever wanted....However....

My garbage disposal decided to act up. And I have learned mt lesson. For the story's sake, we will call the garbage disposal the GD....

Now, one of my favorite things to do to our GD is put rinds of limes and lemons down it to give that fresh citrus smell! HOWEVER... the other night I had more than 2 glasses of wine. I was NOT thinking. After our Mexican meal-feast we cooked the other night...I "unthinkingly" threw half of a lime down the GD. Everything has been fine this week......

Then this was just Ryan's mom (Jan) and I in the house. She was packing up to go home, and I was cutting veggies and peeling carrots. I shoved all the "carrot peels" down the GD, as always. However, when turning it on...It worked different than normal.

It first made it's normal "GD" sound. Then it slowed down and made this miserable gurgling sound almost as if it were a suffering dying cat.....which SUDDENLY escalated into a violent stirring noise. I WAS VOMITED ON BY OUR GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Carots, celery leaves, cucumber peels, and lime rinds EVERYWHERE. I scrheam. Jan comes out of her room (probably in fear) asking, "Is everyting okay, Abby? Do you need help?"

My response is "Oh, don't worry! EVeryting is GREAT! Just chopping up some fresh veggies.... I just got vomitted on. It's okay though!!"

I decide it is time to turn some water on to irrigate the sink. INSTEAD...I turn on the Gd again! (instead of the sink)!! And I am attacked by HALF OF A LIME (which was thrown in during my wine-extravaganza). A GIANT half-of-a-lime shoots me in the chest wish profound force!! I scream again. My poor soon-to-be mother-in-law is probably terrified by this point!!

So I begin trying to "troubleshoot the problem". I turn off the GD, take my hand, and start digging deep. I am pulling out lime rinds, lemon rinds, carrot peels galore. When I have pulled everything I think is possible..I decide to dig deeper.

This is where I discover where the TRUE garbage disposal exists. I never knew where it was. It was always a mystery.... Was in underground? In the ceilng? Withing the sink????? I now is located under the sink.

And that is as far as I got.

So Ryan is going to fix it.......

I will keep you updated. Never let me try to deal with appliances EVER AGAIN.


Mama Nastase said…
Ahahahaha! You poor thing!! hahahaha! I think every wife (and future wife) has a "run-in" with the garbage disposal you're in good company.

Glad you had (are having) a nice visit with Ryan's mom. And for the record, I am sure she is extremely impressed with both yours and Ryan's domesticity & gorgeous home.

I can't believe how close the wedding is! Such an exciting time. :)


P.s.-I am so inspired by you...with all you have going on with wedding, school and a house guest, that you found time to update your blog...that I am going to update our blog, too. (I've been slacking-big time!)
Lisa's Yarns said…
You are hilarious!! This is totally something I could see myself doing! I laughed out loud reading this.

I think mom has a story about the GD as well - something about lots & lots of sauerkraut...

Can't wait for the big day!!! :)
Marlys said…
Oh, yes, garbage disposals! They are a godsend most of the time but once I decided to dispose of many jars of saurkraut I had made and didn't turn out well. I completely clogged the plumbing - all the way outside of the house! Paul was out of town, so his dear Dad came to my rescue! He had to put a snake down the pipe to clean it out and it was not a pretty smell! I completely sympathize with you!
Unknown said…
We have chosen to never have a garbage disposal. Sometimes I think I would like to have one. But after reading your post and your Mom's comment, I am pretty sure my life will go on just fine without one!

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