As we all know and are reminded of daily, is that the average American is in horrendous debt. According to some references, "The average American owes $9000 of credit card debt." Hearing this horrible statics seems quite shocking that a country that is considered so secure and well-off would have such serious issues in money management.
It is quite clear and obvious this would occur. I am currently working on a research project that is about "Educating parents on how to teach money management and responsibility to their children". I chose this subject thinking, "Wow! This will be a really neat subject to teach parents! It will be so interesting and fun. There will be endless resources I am sure!"
Now that I have come to "research time"....this is such pathetic, seriously, limited results of research!! There is ENDLESS research on nearly every aspect of child-rearing: Drugs, alcohol, teen-pregnancy, childhood obesity, nutrition, bullying....all important aspects of raising a child. But--NOTHING on how to teach that child how to manage money, save money, understand money!
For how "money-driven" American would THINK we would be instilling this in our youth?!
I think it is really sad that we educate out children about reading, writing, literature, science, math, music--all VERY important aspects of education. However, we expect to send them blindly out into the real world without the slightest understanding of a mortgage, credit card, retirement account, savings account, taxes, loans--all things that will at some point put serious strain in their life!!!
Are these supposed to be natural skills that we humans just acquire over time??? Absolutely not.
I may have bored people with my little rant. But...this has consumed a good portion of my weeks frustrations. I was able to scrape 5 scholarly journals on this subject--and they were pretty meager!
Very sad!!
Well, there's my rant for the morning!
It is quite clear and obvious this would occur. I am currently working on a research project that is about "Educating parents on how to teach money management and responsibility to their children". I chose this subject thinking, "Wow! This will be a really neat subject to teach parents! It will be so interesting and fun. There will be endless resources I am sure!"
Now that I have come to "research time"....this is such pathetic, seriously, limited results of research!! There is ENDLESS research on nearly every aspect of child-rearing: Drugs, alcohol, teen-pregnancy, childhood obesity, nutrition, bullying....all important aspects of raising a child. But--NOTHING on how to teach that child how to manage money, save money, understand money!
For how "money-driven" American would THINK we would be instilling this in our youth?!
I think it is really sad that we educate out children about reading, writing, literature, science, math, music--all VERY important aspects of education. However, we expect to send them blindly out into the real world without the slightest understanding of a mortgage, credit card, retirement account, savings account, taxes, loans--all things that will at some point put serious strain in their life!!!
Are these supposed to be natural skills that we humans just acquire over time??? Absolutely not.
I may have bored people with my little rant. But...this has consumed a good portion of my weeks frustrations. I was able to scrape 5 scholarly journals on this subject--and they were pretty meager!
Very sad!!
Well, there's my rant for the morning!
But, on the other hand, I am not surprised that we are so messed up since our culture really has a tough time differentiating between wants and needs. Very basic concept. I want a new pair of jeans, but I don't necessarily need them. But I have encountered so many people who just don't get the difference between a want/need.
Good luck w/ your project!!
Forgot to mention earlier that I LOVE the new front page of your blog!! Very cute and a refreshing change.
Congrats on doing so well on your race today!! xoxo