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Ten On Tuesday!

Another Tuesday! Next week at this time...I will be officially on Christmas break! How incredible...:)

1) Cost aside, if you could go back to college for anything besides what you "do", what would you study?

-I would say -- go back to get a degree in English. I've always wanted to be a journalist. But I have realized that I love the healthcare atmosphere way too much to move away from it. I'd either go back and go more towards research with microbiology. Or I would do Nutrition and be a Registered Dietician.

2) What do you do for a living? Do you love it/hate it?

-At the moment, I am a student. But this is short lived. I will be an RN in about 8 months. I think I will love it. I really enjoy nursing. I seriously become a different person when I'm doing it, in a good way.

3) What is your favorite Christmas ornament? If you don't celebrate Christmas, what is your favorite holiday tradition?

-Hm....I love glittery red Christmas balls. I'm all about red at Christmas time :)

-My favorite Christmas tradition is definitely our family's Christmas Eve extravaganza.

4) Name something you literally could do without the rest of your life.

-There is a large realm of foods I could definitely do with out, becuase I am certain I could live off salads, mustard, and cereal (I did it for my first 2 years of college)

-I also could live without tv. I hate watching tv, I get so bored with it. This is also something I lived without my 1st 2 years of college.

5) If you were going to have some kind of "cosmetic procedure", what would it be?

-Ask me in a few years..... I'm pretty youthful still. No wrinkles have appeared. I did find a gray hair on Friday, however. Scary!!!

-I am a really anti-cosmetic-procedure kind of person, to be completely honest. I would like to avoid surgery, procedures as much possible. I don't like pain.

-But I guess if I ever had spider veins--I'd get those babies zapped off!

6) Do you have any "collections"?

-I kind of have a running collection of aprons. And wine corks.

7) At what age did you first get a cell phone?

-I was 16. Yes, I know. Way too young to need a cellphone. But I was driving an hour to trombone lessons 1-2 times/week, and 30 minutes to piano lessons 1 time/week. With the winter weather of ND, it was kind of nice to have as security.

-16 is nothing compared to what we see now days though. Elementary students have phones! The other day, I saw a child on his BLACKBERRY! What does a kid need a blackberry for?

8) What is currently in your purse? (or pocket/backpack if you're a guy)

-My wallet -a bag of spearamint Life Savers

-a pack of Big Red gum -contact case with saline in it

-an assortment of lip gloss -chap stick

-Hand sanitizer -About 20 alcohol swabs to clean everything

-A jump drive....just in case I need to save a file? (I don't know why I keep it there..)

9) Are you a neat-freak of a slob? *this applies to house, office, car

-I would say neat freak. My working space needs to be clean, my house needs to be clean. I hate my cars. Passionately. But I still try to keep it clean - b/c I get crabby & stressed out in messy environments.

10) What kind of parent do you think you will be? If you're already a parent, what is your style?

-Well, after this pediatric rotation and learning about all the psychosocial development, discipline, poor child's every action will be analyzed.

-I am well aware that I will be a strict parent.

-I will also be extremely loving and concerned about their well-being and happiness. I hope to be a mother like my own. Although I am going to be strict, I hope I will still be a person they can talk to and confide in. My mom is my best friend, and I hope I can serve as that to my children.


Chelsea said…
Corks and aprons.... forgot about those. Me too.
Marlys said…
I agree about "being strict"! I don't think we were strict enough with you being the baby and all. I'm sure your siblings would agree, not? But, you did turn out great so couldn't have been too bad!

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