1) Cost aside, if you could go back to college for anything besides what you "do", what would you study?
-I would say -- go back to get a degree in English. I've always wanted to be a journalist. But I have realized that I love the healthcare atmosphere way too much to move away from it. I'd either go back and go more towards research with microbiology. Or I would do Nutrition and be a Registered Dietician.
2) What do you do for a living? Do you love it/hate it?
-At the moment, I am a student. But this is short lived. I will be an RN in about 8 months. I think I will love it. I really enjoy nursing. I seriously become a different person when I'm doing it, in a good way.
3) What is your favorite Christmas ornament? If you don't celebrate Christmas, what is your favorite holiday tradition?
-Hm....I love glittery red Christmas balls. I'm all about red at Christmas time :)
-My favorite Christmas tradition is definitely our family's Christmas Eve extravaganza.
4) Name something you literally could do without the rest of your life.
-There is a large realm of foods I could definitely do with out, becuase I am certain I could live off salads, mustard, and cereal (I did it for my first 2 years of college)
-I also could live without tv. I hate watching tv, I get so bored with it. This is also something I lived without my 1st 2 years of college.
5) If you were going to have some kind of "cosmetic procedure", what would it be?
-Ask me in a few years..... I'm pretty youthful still. No wrinkles have appeared. I did find a gray hair on Friday, however. Scary!!!
-I am a really anti-cosmetic-procedure kind of person, to be completely honest. I would like to avoid surgery, procedures as much possible. I don't like pain.
-But I guess if I ever had spider veins--I'd get those babies zapped off!
6) Do you have any "collections"?
-I kind of have a running collection of aprons. And wine corks.
7) At what age did you first get a cell phone?
-I was 16. Yes, I know. Way too young to need a cellphone. But I was driving an hour to trombone lessons 1-2 times/week, and 30 minutes to piano lessons 1 time/week. With the winter weather of ND, it was kind of nice to have as security.
-16 is nothing compared to what we see now days though. Elementary students have phones! The other day, I saw a child on his BLACKBERRY! What does a kid need a blackberry for?
8) What is currently in your purse? (or pocket/backpack if you're a guy)
-My wallet -a bag of spearamint Life Savers
-a pack of Big Red gum -contact case with saline in it
-an assortment of lip gloss -chap stick
-Hand sanitizer -About 20 alcohol swabs to clean everything
-A jump drive....just in case I need to save a file? (I don't know why I keep it there..)
9) Are you a neat-freak of a slob? *this applies to house, office, car
-I would say neat freak. My working space needs to be clean, my house needs to be clean. I hate my cars. Passionately. But I still try to keep it clean - b/c I get crabby & stressed out in messy environments.
10) What kind of parent do you think you will be? If you're already a parent, what is your style?
-Well, after this pediatric rotation and learning about all the psychosocial development, discipline, etc......my poor child's every action will be analyzed.
-I am well aware that I will be a strict parent.
-I will also be extremely loving and concerned about their well-being and happiness. I hope to be a mother like my own. Although I am going to be strict, I hope I will still be a person they can talk to and confide in. My mom is my best friend, and I hope I can serve as that to my children.