Yes, I am an extraordinarily creative blogger (Ha!). I am so very talented @ stealing "borrowing" post-ideas from others. So here I go! What I'm currently up to, what currently is populating my mind.
- Working, working, and Trying so very hard to be away from work when I'm away from work. Lately it's just been hard for me to "leave it at the door".
- Running! I finished my half marathon - so my plan was to STOP running. But that race got me so jazzed about running, and it's such a great release!! I've done some gorgeous trail runs lately! Need to get me some "trail running shoes".
- Landscaping. Well, we will be. The next 2 days, I will be spending most of my time using a shovel digging in the dirt. Ryan and I are going to dig up the dead grass, and lay rocks & flagstone. Should be interesting!
- Wondering. It's so weird that I have no idea what life will be like in 4 months. My husband will be leaving for pilot training for an unknown amount of time. We have no clue when he's going. We have no clue where he's going. We have no clue for how long. This drives my "scheduled obsessed mind" crazy, my friends!! But, I do know this will bring some amazing experiences and life changes. I'm ready for us to take on the exciting journey!
- Dreaming of camping. I can't wait for Ryan and I both to have a free weekend together, where we can pack up, and resort to the wild for a few days! How I adore camping. I love sleeping on an uncomfortable, awkward mattress listening to odd critters of the wild. I love the constant smell of campfire. Love the fishing. Love exploring trails. Love cook food over a fire.
Dealing with uncertainty is really, really hard... I feel for you as it's tough to not know what to expect in the year to come. I know you guys will survive and thrive no matter what happens, but that not being able to plan is tough for us planners!!
That's cool that you have been doing trail running! Trail running scares me, mostly because I am a total wimp when it comes to hills!!
By the pictures you sent, your landscaping project looks awesome!
Wish I could fly down and see it in person!
I can't wait to go camping as well!