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First, I would like to say that when I looked at the last time I did a "currently" post - it was September 28. 

Which means >2 months ago.

So 2 months from now, I'll be holding you in my arms. 

And this is the kind of stuff that literally consumes my brain on an hourly basis. 

I check the expiration date on the coffee creamer and think "February 20 - that means by then baby should be here!" 

:D Wonder if other pregnant women do this...

Reading: Indistractable by Nir Eyal. This is a book Ryan actually purchased, but he is reading "1st Time Dad" - so lended this to me as he wanted us both to read it. I love it so far! 

It is about how many things in our lives distract us from what matter, and how to regain "traction" in our lives. It covers everything from how to manage email at work, to how to re-hack your smart phone, to time-blocking your entire day to assure you are giving the people and priorities the attention they deserve.

Really good book to read as we both work full time, are now running a small business, and will soon have a baby that consumes our every hour. 

Thinking: About how it does not feel real that I'm done with school. I think because I've been doing it for >2 years, and it felt like the end was never coming - it just hasn't set in that I won't have homework this weekend. 

Feeling: A little anxious, to be completely honest. My hospital is at maximum capacity, and our COVID numbers are constantly rising. I was in some scary conversations last week during my final practicum about basically pushing "all hands on deck" to take these COVID patients. 

In fact - my husband is preparing himself to possibly have to get dispatched to this situation being in the National Guard. If the numbers continue to rise - we will be putting patients in our city Convention Center, and deploying military personnel. 

I hope there are hospital beds in February for me to safely deliver my child into. 

But enough of that!

Anticipating: A long weekend at Christmas and New Years. I didn't really take any time off from work this year aside from a Friday here and there. I don't know what we are even doing - but it is the 1st Christmas Ryan has not had to work in years (or been home). 

Working: On our 5th investment property this year! Hopefully by the end of the week, we will have a tenant. We do a rent-to-own model, which is nice because we do not have to do renovations/repairs. We just have to make sure the home is safe, functional, and clean. It's a pretty cool, hands-off model. 

Grateful: For a lot of things -- to be done with school, to be healthy in my 3rd trimester, that my sister Lisa gave birth last Thursday to the most beautiful boy, and that our temperatures are FINALLY cool here! 

Listening: To jazz Christmas music. Doing anything and everything to get myself into the Christmas spirit during this weird year...

Wishing: My boss accepts my offer to take a 4-month maternity leave! I have my meeting with her on Wedneday. We are only eligible for 12 weeks, so I am asking for an extra 4 weeks. I will be without pay most of it - hospitals only pay nurses for 5 weeks 60% of their income. (pathetic). But I am very grateful that Ryan and I are in a place financially where I don't have to worry about taking a few months without pay to spend with our newborn. 


Marlys said…
I’m so pleased you finished school so you can have a break before the baby arrives as she will be your main focus for many years! I am anxious to hear what you are going to do for Christmas as it will be a great reprieve before our little princess arrives. It is going to be a quit Christmas here as the year has been. We adapt and make the best of it but I’m anxious for life to get back to some normalcy.
I sure hope your hospital quiets down and that you don’t have to work on the front lines, especially being you are in your third trimester! That is scary!
I’m trying to get into the Christmas mode, but it’s slow going! I did order my Christmas cards today, so one project done!
I’m so glad you can take 16 weeks! I hope you feel similarly about maternity leave. I loved my time at home and never felt bored. I think when you have a demanding job, you especially enjoy the leave and the chance to slow down and soak up time with your baby. I struggled majorly going back to work and wondered if I was meant to be a SAHM. I am glad I stuck it out and waited to see how I felt because at 10 months it was clear I was meant to work!

I hope the Covid cases start to decline and you don’t have to worry about that impacting your delivery experience. I was lucky as I delivered at a hospital that is only for pregnancy/delivery. It’s connected to a huge hospital and the children’s hospital. But it was nice to not be worrying about Covid cases in close proximity.

Thinking of you during this final stretch!!

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