I haven't blogged much - but the last time I did one of these, Maddy was 9 months old. It's really fun looking back on the things that were "stressors" to me at that time. Prior to that - my currently post was a pregnancy edition. So here goes May 2022. Maddy is almost a 15-month old and summer has set ablaze here in Tucson. Reading : I really wish I had a better answer for this one, but I have not been the best about reading lately. The only book I'm reading is "How to talk to your kids so they'll listen and listen so they'll talk". It is really good. Most of the book is geared more to school-aged kids, in my opinion. But it highlights some great communication skills with children to help them trust you as a parent to be open and honest. Eating: All the smoothies. It has been getting really hot here - and every day when we get home from our stroller run I make a smoothie for Maddy with whole milk, Fage, and fruit - and then a smoothie for...
One of the things I really wanted to get down in writing was a post about weaning, as I've been feeling all the feels this week as she hit this "milestone". I know I've alluded to this in the past on this blog, but breastfeeding was not easy for me in the beginning. We spent about 3 weeks of her not actually transferring enough milk (I had no idea), her becoming quite underweight, introducing formula & pumped milk in bottles, and then having weeks of her literally screaming at my breast and refusing to latch. Alas around 7 weeks we got the right help from a IBCLC in town - and finally by the time Maddy was about 10 weeks old she was exclusively breastfeeding. We had to use a system called an SNS (supplemental nursing system) - where you use a tiny syringe, fill it with milk, tape the catheter to your breast, and slip it in their mouth while you attempt to latch them. It is tedious & messy - but it is extremely beneficial in teaching them how to nurse. I wou...